Podcast über Uranabbau in Deutschland

Viele wissen nicht, dass auch in Deutschland Uran abgebaut wurde: nämlich zwischen 1946 und 1990 von der SDAG Wismut in Thüringen und Sachsen. 7163 Minenarbeiter starben dort an Lungenkrebs.

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Radioactive dust storms? Radioaktive Sandstürme?

Australische WissenschaftlerInnen analysieren Sand der vermutlich aus der Gegend um Woomera im südaustralischen Outback in der Nähe der großen Uranmine Olympic Dam kommt, um herauszufinden, ob er gefährlich ist. Mehr Info…

Australian scientists are analysing dust that is believed to have originated around Woomera in outback South Australia near the massive Olympic Dam uranium mine to find out whether it is dangerous. More information…

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Recherche-ErgebnisseBackground Information

Im Laufe unserer Recherchen und Dreharbeiten konnten wir viel Material sammeln, welches nun hier öffentlich zur Verfügung steht.

Our compilation of background information on uranium mining and nuclear power now here to download.

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The big South Australia filming tour

The film-team has just come back to Melbourne from a two week filming trip to South Australia (SA). Read about our stops and adventures on the way.

The film-team has just come back to Melbourne from a two week filming trip to South Australia (SA). Read about our stops and adventures on the way.
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The Apology in Canberra- a historic moment

When the film team got to know that Kevin Rudd, the new Prime Miniser of Australia was going to offer the first official apology to the Aboriginal people in Australia, we decided spontaneously to travel to that historic moment in the capital town. Together with thousands of people we gathered in front of the Parliament in Canberra to listen to Rudd´s speech that was shown on big screens.
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