Film: Japan’s junge Anti-Atom-BewegungFilm: Japan’s young anti-nuclear movement

„RADIOACTIVISTS – Protest and Discourse in Japan since Fukushima“ ist ein Dokumentarfilm über die junge Anti-Atom-Bewegung in Japan. Die beiden Filmemacherinnen Julia Leser and Clarissa Seidel haben zögerliche Anfänge von Protesten und Massendemos in Tokio gefilmt. Hier ist der vielversprechende Trailer des Films (englische Untertitel):

Weitere Informationen auf der Film-Homepage (englisch):

„RADIOACTIVISTS – Protest and Discourse in Japan since Fukushima“ is a documentary film set in the aftermath of the Fukushima accident. The two young film-makers Julia Leser and Clarissa Seidel shot rallies and demonstrations of the yet unexperienced but broad protests in Tokyo. Watch the very promising trailer of a young protest movement that is growing bigger by the day:

For more information, check out the fillm makers‘ homepage

Veröffentlicht unter Aktuelles, Atom, BLOG Film: Japan’s junge Anti-Atom-BewegungFilm: Japan’s young anti-nuclear movement-->

Small victory over uranium miner in AustraliaSmall victory over uranium miner in Australia

Yvonne Margarula, spokesperson of the Mirarr in front of the Ranger uranium mine. Picture: Dominic O'Brien

The Mirarr people who’s ancestors have lived for over 40,000 years in the North of Australia have gained a small victory over mining giant Energy Resouces of Australia (ERA). The small community whose native lands partly form Kakadu National Park have had to live with the so called „Ranger“ uranium mine in their close vicinity for over 30 years now. Now they were able to stop a new project that would have involved the intense use of chemicals on their soil.

Yvonne Margarula, spokesperson of the Mirarr in front of the Ranger uranium mine. Picture: Dominic O'Brien

The Mirarr people who’s ancestors have lived for over 40,000 years in the North of Australia have gained a small victory over mining giant Energy Resouces of Australia (ERA). The small community holding whose lands partly form Kakadu National Park have had to live with the open pit of the so called „Ranger“ uranium mine in their vicinity for over 30 years now. The mine is one of the biggest in the world, providing about 10% of the world’s uranium needs.

With an acid heap leach facility operator ERA thought about introducing a new way of gaining even more uranium out of the Mirarr’s native lands. This would have involved the use of chemical substances on the soils of a wet land area that can see heavy rainfalls in winter time. A higher danger of spreading radioactive material into the precious UN-world heritage listed area surrounding the mine would have been the effect. The Mirarr are happy, that the mining company ERA have dropped this plan now. Nevertheless, the open pit is still in operation and plans for another pit are still on the agenda.

Read the Mirarr’s press release from August 4 2011 here (Download pdf).

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Veröffentlicht unter BLOG, Mirarr, Uranabbau Small victory over uranium miner in AustraliaSmall victory over uranium miner in Australia-->


Ab sofort ist der preisgekrönte Kinodokumentarfilm “YELLOW CAKE – Die Lüge von der sauberen Energie” von Joachim Tschirner auf DVD erhältlich.

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Veröffentlicht unter Atom, BLOG, Uranabbau

Atomstromlos wirtschaften

Broschüre von Urgewald

Du hast schon Ökostrom aber Dein Bankkonto ist noch das Alte? Dann wird es Zeit für diese Broschüre der Organisation „Urgewald“.

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Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Atom, BLOG, Uranabbau

I’m a Climate fu**ing Scientist„I’m a Climate fu**ing Scientist“

Rap Video von australischen Comedy-Filmern zum Klimawandel. Darin erfahren wir, dass die meisten Klimaskeptiker, die in den Medien auftauchen keine verlässlichen Quellen darstellen weil sie eben keine Klimawissenschaftler/innen sind. Ganz im Gegenteil zu den in diesem Video rappenden „climate scientists“. Achtung: Heftiger Sprachgebrauch (Englisch)….

Australian rap video that demands to finally take human made Climate Change as fact given. The fact that most climate sceptics arent actually climate scientists at all is forwarded with **multiple uses of explicit language**

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, BLOG Verschlagwortet mit , , , , I’m a Climate fu**ing Scientist„I’m a Climate fu**ing Scientist“-->