The contents of this DVD are protected under a Creative Commons License BY-NC-ND 3.0

This means that we the authors of the film from Strahlendes Klima e.V. expressly allow you to publicly show, copy and/or distribute this DVD.
The following conditions must be met – compliance with these conditions waives any need to request our permission.
1) Non-commercial use: Copying and showing the film is permitted for non-commercial purposes only. Permission must be requested to charge admission to a film showing.
2) Credit: When linking to our film on your website or otherwise distributing or showing it, you must name us as the authors. This is best done by citing our website:
3) Presenting the license written above
When distributing or duplicating our film, you must not only name us as the authors but also refer to the free Creative Commons license.
In order to make the distribution of our film as easy as possible for you, we have prepared a logo for the film that you may use.The contents of this DVD are protected under a Creative Commons License BY-NC-ND 3.0

This means that we the authors of the film from Strahlendes Klima e.V. expressly allow you to publicly show, copy and/or distribute this DVD.
The following conditions must be met – compliance with these conditions waives any need to request our permission.
1) Non-commercial use: Copying and showing the film is permitted for non-commercial purposes only. Permission must be requested to charge admission to a film showing.
2) Credit: When linking to our film on your website or otherwise distributing or showing it, you must name us as the authors. This is best done by citing our website:
3) Presenting the license written above
When distributing or duplicating our film, you must not only name us as the authors but also refer to the free Creative Commons license.
In order to make the distribution of our film as easy as possible for you, we have prepared a logo for the film that you may use.